Top Flooring Trends in 2024


Your choice of flooring plays a pivotal role in shaping the aesthetic of your home. Beyond mere functionality, flooring sets the tone for your living spaces. Given that flooring is a substantial investment, selecting the right one that aligns with your style and lifestyle is crucial.

The beginning of a new year provides an ideal opportunity to revamp your home, starting with the flooring. The flooring trends of 2024 can guide you toward a stylish and functional choice. Recent years have witnessed a shift toward creating more intimate, comfortable spaces infused with nature-inspired and sustainable elements, influencing the flooring landscape.

Stine Home is your partner in finding the perfect flooring solution that caters to your unique style and lifestyle requirements. Explore the following trends to elevate your space in 2024:

Wide Plank Hardwood Flooring:

Wide plank hardwood flooring in bedroom

Make a bold statement with wide plank hardwood flooring, radiating timeless elegance. This choice seamlessly aligns with nature-inspired trends and the growing desire for cozy rooms. The wide planks contribute to a sense of openness, allowing the natural beauty of wood grain to take center stage. Bringing the outdoors in, this option adds organic textures and warm tones, creating an intimate atmosphere while visually expanding the space.

Luxurious Carpet:

Baby on shag carpet

Experience the resurgence of carpet in shared spaces as people prioritize comfort and relaxation. Modern advancements in carpet manufacturing address maintenance concerns, making it a practical choice. Beyond functionality, the softness and warmth that wall-to-wall carpet brings to a room are undeniable. This tactile quality enhances the cozy and inviting atmosphere, perfectly aligning with the current trend of emphasizing comfort in home design.

Stunning Tile Designs:

Patterned shower tile

Embrace the versatility and timelessness of tile, with a focus on visually captivating surfaces. Checkerboard tile flooring introduces contrast and interest, providing a timeless backdrop with enduring visual appeal. Mosaic tiles, once reserved for backsplashes, now take center stage, offering a wide range of color and pattern options. Nature-inspired tiles featuring plant or animal patterns make bold statements in contemporary interiors. Opt for sustainable tile options crafted from recycled materials, ensuring durability and minimizing the need for frequent replacements.

Creative Flooring Installations:

Herringbone patterned install of wood look vinyl flooring

Break away from conventional installations and explore creative patterns to add visual interest and contribute to a cozy atmosphere. Herringbone patterns, whether in hardwood or tile, bring a classic yet contemporary flair. Stacked vertical wall tiles offer a modern and dynamic space with visual intrigue. Parquet installations introduce intricate geometric designs, adding an elegant and timeless touch. These creative installations not only catch the eye but also enhance the overall ambiance with their textured surfaces.

In 2024, design trends cater to every style, and Stine Home is here to help you find the perfect flooring that resonates with your specific needs. Whether you prefer the enduring elegance of wide plank hardwood, the plush comfort of carpet, the visual allure of stunning tile designs, or the creativity of unique installations like herringbone, stacked vertical wall tile, and parquet – we're here to assist you in designing a space that perfectly suits you. Elevate your living spaces with the latest flooring trends and make a lasting impression.

Looking to upgrade your flooring to accompany the latest home trends? Contact Stine Home today or visit one of our locations throughout Louisiana!