Clearance items are available while supplies last. We will make our best efforts to inform you as soon as possible if the goods ordered are not available. Clearance item are non-returnable. Clearance items may not be available in all locations, and can not be transferred from one store to another.
Due to weather conditions we are unable to accept online orders at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Get the best products for your best work. Grip-Rite is the one brand name you need to know for guaranteed premium construction supplies for every single step of the building process.
Designed to cut engineered stone
Ideal for stone, marble, tile and granite contractors
Bolt pattern allows for flush cutting and corner cuts when using an adaptor
Designed for wet or dry cutting
Application Use - Engineered Stone
Use with these Power Tools - Angle Grinder, Masonry Saw, and Circular Saw