Clearance items are available while supplies last. We will make our best efforts to inform you as soon as possible if the goods ordered are not available. Clearance item are non-returnable. Clearance items may not be available in all locations, and can not be transferred from one store to another.
Due to weather conditions we are unable to accept online orders at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Rust-Oleum RockSolid 6X Deck Coat is an innovative one coat stain that solves long wait times for deck resurfacing with conventional products. Transform your deck in one day with excellent coverage and ultimate protection. Apply with the RockSolid 6X Roller Cover for proper application.
Restore and fill hairline cracks on moderately worn decks and patios in 1 coat
6X thicker coating promotes enhanced durability on wooden decks and concrete patios
Water-based formula provides superior weather resistance and waterproofing protection, available in 60 colors
Covers up to 400 sq. ft. per gallon with 1 coat, dries to the touch in 4-6 hours and is ready for light foot traffic in 24 hours